The wind of sorrow escapes swiftly
as the land of merriment strives gracefully
to the unlimited and unwanted
wishes that may sound exaggerated
and you make them remain re-generated
by the sounds of loneliness
by the everlasting forgiveness
It is you that I am here to be with
but my soul is covered in grease and filth
I am sorry for the sky makes you feel shy
and the clouds give reasons for you to deny
interpreted solemnly within the grasp
perceived pathetically between the gap
may the answers be found and overlapped
so many dreams shattered yet I still feel
you have taught me to learn what is real
Peace will come to thee as you don’t see love in me
peace will come to me as I see someone loving thee
New Year?
2 weeks ago
Is this for meeee..? Hadiah selamat tinggal..? ;p
mmm bes3 bravo
[aku x phm sgt tp]
nadjighah: cik nadjighah just nak balik umah je pun...:P
n: then part mana yg best?XD
err..xpaham...but yah cool!
aqila: maksudnya sy punya expressive language masih belum cukup bagus la ni..heehee:P
hey cool! beautiful words. :)
nadia: thank you..:)
This is deep. And love may be a quicksand, but we still get ourselves knee-deep in it.
whoaamello: hehe, what you said is true, indeed.
that is so lovely.. really2 meaningful.. it's like awesome gila ",
true, most ppl are touched by ur writing. however, im compelled to understand it.
"The wind of sorrow escapes swiftly
as the land of merriment strives gracefully
to the unlimited and unwanted
wishes that may sound exaggerated
and you make them remain re-generated
by the sounds of loneliness
by the everlasting forgiveness"
what does it mean?
ur pain went away swiftly by the joy that she brings.
u're wishing for things beyond ur grasp and she's good at making u do that.
because she makes u feel lonely.. because u cant stop forgiving her..
despite all the wrongs she may hv committed?
pain vanished quickly
with the touch of ur infinite joy
do i ask for too much
need i do so, again and again
only to see it wither in vain
unwept by the fallin rain..
"It is you that I am here to be with
but my soul is covered in grease and filth"
im here for u, but my soul is filled with sadness.
does grease and filth portray grief?
"I am sorry for the sky makes you feel shy
and the clouds give reasons for you to deny
interpreted solemnly within the grasp
perceived pathetically between the gap
may the answers be found and overlapped
so many dreams shattered yet I still feel
you have taught me to learn what is real"
hmm.. she feels inferior by ur dreams and aspiration? uncertainty of the future (clouds) justifies her act. she can only understand things she's accustomed to. though her words can shatter ur dreams, they keep u close to reality.
"Peace will come to thee as you don’t see love in me
peace will come to me as I see someone loving thee "
this is quite disturbing.
she's at peace because she doesnt love u? or.. she's at peace because she knows that u dont love her?
commonality suggests the former. the succeeding phrase implies the latter.
u're cool because there's someone out there who loves her.
natasya: i thank you very much:)
unknown: haha. I know that one day you're gonna 'hit' me. :P
okay, it's like this..
*sadness is fading away while happiness is struggling (patiently/slowly) to fill in between those (so many) wishes that are not ALL needed, and they (the wishes)sound exaggerated. But because of the girl, they remain 'alive', by the loneliness i feel (when I'm feeling empty, I wish for things), and the forgiveness that dwells inside me (okay, this part, only I know what 'forgiveness' here stands for actually:P)
*I'm here now (as I am right now at my place in my own world) because I want to be with her, but my soul is full of sins and terrible mistakes (so I can't be with her. That's 'but' for).
*'Something' happens in the relationship that makes her feel inferior and become denial to the world ('sky' and 'clouds' refer to the world, like u suggest, can be future as well). and ur interpretations (she can only understand things she's accustomed to. though her words can shatter ur dreams, they keep u close to reality) are true.
*to her, she will see peace when she's not with me. to me, I will see peace when I see someone can love her the way she wants instead of me.
this poem is a story actually. that's why some people might find it confusing since they don't know what really happened. but you're allowed to interpret it however u want. that the beauty of poetry.
anyway, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts, mate.:)
heh the pleasure's all mine bro.
thx for sharing ur tale with us.
juz wondering, do u know other bloggin ppl who share ur intellectual ease i.e not offended by questions or doubts, and feel at ease with this kinda discourse. u know.. somethin' that stimulates the mind to shift on a diff gear.
years ago, i tried this in real life but most people 'tie' their ego too closely to their intellect. not just normal people, even professors.. and geniuses can end up bein' as defensive as everyone else.
fortunately, u're not like them..
sadly, i wish they'd be more people who can enjoy exchange such as this, without givin' a frown.
unknown: haha. actually in a way, that proves that geniuses are humans..:P
honestly, i sometimes can end up being defensive too..but i'm always learning..that's why i 'hop in' to other blogs..i learn a lot from 'them'. and i enjoy reading comments.
i think i know a blog that might interest u. i'll get back to ya later.
thanks again, mate.
interesting bile bace nih.
wunny: maceh!:P
jeles2.this is beautiful.jeles2!
'peace will come to me as I see someone loving thee'.
heheh,if i could ever do that.
'peace will come to me as I see someone killing thee'.
haa yg ni aku bole.
peace will come to me as I see someone loving thee
-if i could ever do that
peace will come to me as I see someone killing thee
-haa yg nih aku bole
nene: lalalalaa~~~ :P
nkecik: erk..ehehehe.... -.-"
i can really see dis comin from ur mouth. literally. ngeee~
anonymous ayu: duh~~~~~..heeheeXD
the main and the only reason why I decided to be your follower is just because, your words are beautiful(and yeah myb interested to know, where the words came from)
btw, you have taught me to learn what is real -- and yeah, what did(maybe she) teach you what is real?
Ina: Thank you for following me.:]..and those words come from my heart. I love expressing myself and what I'm thinking through words in my writing.:]
And, she taught me a lot about REAL life. i mean, A LOT. There are painful knowledge, sometimes, but they are real.:)
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