I have been wondering about the status of being an alien.
How did we come up with that status anyway?
We call aliens 'aliens' because they are not from this planet.
They are foreign creatures from another planet; a different world.
'Alien' means a creature from a different world, yes?
But, when I think about it again...
Aliens live in a different world, a different planet.
Which means they are not living in the same world, the same planet as we are in now.
Simple fact, yes?
So this also means those aliens have the rights to call us 'aliens' as well, because we are NOT from their world, their planet! To them, WE are foreign creatures!
So, are we actually aliens, too?
Who are aliens anyway?
Something to ponder, yes?
New Year?
2 weeks ago
ALIEN blanje subway tak?! Xp
alien tak tau pun subway tu ape...XD
make sure you watch Alien 51.that will answer everything.
hrmm (berfikir sejenak)
Hahaha once ader writer ni, dia tulis novel ke article ke, cerpen ke, aku tak ingat... tapi rasanya novel la kot. Using alien perspective, the character in the novel (alien) sees us human as aliens and describes us in its view. Aku tak ingat tajuk dia... cuba tanya syahir.
sofia: yup, aliiieeenssss..heehee:P
liyas: syahir, apa tajuk cite yg liyas ckp tu? syahir? oi? aku dah tanya dah, syahir xjwb pun...XD
abang ijan dan falsafah 'unik' nya.. haihhh... gud luck kak dira..hehe
aimooo: takdir....XD
we are alien to.
dimanakah mereka ini tggal rasenya?
somewhere around earth? or?
how can they arive here?
aqila: mereka dtg ke Bumi menggunakan pintu 'suka hati' DoraemonXD
ko mmg ade issues ngan alien.. just say it jan.. =P
azrul: laa..kan aku da ckp..aku takda issues ngan aliens..aliens yg ada issues ngan aku...XD
pintu 'suka hati' Doraemonahhhh agak2 diorg kasik pinjam tak? Ndak jugak ala sebijik dua pintu 'suka hati' Doraemon. Poket serbaguna tu pon bess jugak.
nanti aku google. cari blog planet marikh ke, zuhal ke.. tgk dorang ade ckp sal ko x.. ha.
sha shinizzle: tak bagi punye..diorg kedekutXD
azrul: mcm la ko phm bahasa aliens..titotitotiitiitoot..pigi da..XD
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