1. The pregnant woman at the bus stop.
When you were a kid, you saw a pregnant woman at the bus stop, you said, "She must have a very big appetite". When you were a bit older and saw the same pregnant woman at the bus stop, you said, "Again?". Now, you are old enough and you see the very same pregnant woman again at the bus stop, you say, "She must be a scoring machine".
Lesson to live: "The more the merrier"
2. Your angry Mathematics teacher.
If you enjoy learning Mathematics, and your teacher gets angry with you because you failed in the exam, you'll promise, "I'll learn and do better in the future!". If you don't enjoy learning Mathematics, and your teacher gets angry with you because you failed in the exam, you'll promise, "I'll learn and do better, in other subjects!"
Lesson to live: "There's more than one way to skin a cat"
3. Your patient driving instructor.
The first day of driving lesson, your instructor says, "Wait! That's not the brake paddle, that's the steering!". The second day of driving lesson, your instructor says, "Wait! That's not a road, that's a human!". The last day of driving lesson, you'll say, "Thank you, sir! Like you said, no pain no gain, it's true!". Your instructor says, "It's literally true".
Lesson to live: "Obvious no pain no gain"
4. The shopkeeper of the shop that you always go.
You ask for sugar, he gives you a stapler. You say, "This isn't sugar". You ask for a cooking oil, he gives you a piece of blank paper. You say, "This isn't a cooking oil". You ask for a bottle of mineral water, he gives you a bottle of blue ink. You say, " What are you, deaf?" He replies, "What are you, blind? The sign reads, 'Bedullah's stationery shop'!".
Lesson to live: "Seeing is believing"
5. The doctor whose handwriting you can never read.
You come to have your body checked, the doctor examines you and says, "You're quite sick. I'll give you a prescription". You come to have you body checked one more time, the doctor examines you and says, "You're okay, but I'll give you a prescription, just to be safe". Later, you come to have your body checked again, and immediately you say, "Just give me the prescription already. You always have a reason to make me pay anyway".
Lesson to live: "An apple a day keeps the money away, anyway"
p/s: I'm confused, and under pressure.*sigh sigh sigh*
New Year?
3 weeks ago
hahahaha... love it...
especially the Doctor's story.. it's so true..hik3...
Btw, Sir igniz, i'm sorry that i missed a few reading of ur posts, i'll try to keep up with it later on.. i'm going abroad next week..
pretty occupied with the preparation..
(plus the new house *sigh)
again sorry...
Confused and under pressure -- but, why? =\
This was an interesting read. Yes, life is a series of lessons. We just have to remember to look out for `em and RYC: I hear you, man. Thanks but yeah... I don't know. Maybe in time, I'll look back and view this as just another (small) bump in the road but for now... I don't know. Guess I'm just not quite over it.
disagree with the last one!
i've beautiful handwriting..;p
..because im not yet a doc..=))
i'm under pressure too bila baca ur entry ni.
Tulisan doktor cam tulisan tokey repair kereta gak.
kat resit dia tulis
barang2, skru, minyak bla2. sampai bab nak tulis 'upah' pasti x leh baca. >,>
relax, enjoy ur thesis n all the best :)
Heh, a good one.
aimooo: abroad? pi mana? zimbabwe?bestnye!
whoaamello: confused and under pressure because of my thesis..huhuhu..hey, i sure hope you'll find your way someday, ok?goodluck:)
ain: ye betul, cik Ain belum transform jd doctor dgn sepenuhnye lagi..hehehe.
nolly: jom kita buat kelab 'under pressure' jom:)
mr K: diorg saje je tu..so that kita tak leh tau part mana yg diorg tokok tambah.heh.
nkecik: wah, kali ni cik n da mula memberikan motivasi. sebab hepi nak balik malaysia ek? ke da sampai?XD
amers: thank you.heh.
not much to say -- i like this post! ^^ hehe
anis: mekaceh:)
paling suka nombor satu.
the pregnant woman:)
gee~ gitu agaknya pndgn seorang lelaki ehhh??:P
anyway,,relax. take a breath. bila thesis dah habes, nnt akan rasa lega amat amat:) so, chaiyok chaiyok!!
faten: hehe..tu cuma satu example je..tak semuanya betul..:P
"there's more than one way to skin a cat"
so..how many ways are there to skin a GAY cat? hahaha
iena: i believe..there's more than one way, oso...heheh.
haah,gi zimbabwe, nak kem salam kat sape2 ke?? hik3
Sir igniz,
view this.. she's a brilliant writer with a very good English..
aimooo: will do:) takde sape pun kat zimbabwe nak dikirim salamkan..hehe.
shadow: thanks for dropping by..i'll check you out soon:)
I'll learn and do better, in other subjects.
So no need to try to get a better mark in Mathematics? wtf?! :D
suke part driving tu-That's not a road, that's a human
heh how big is the human ek?
ina: umm..i guess he/she's as big as a road?heheh:P
if man, he must be that 'fat' Fergushit :)
Ina: or probably that Arsene Wang-her..you see how big his nose is?:P
suke no.3
sy mase amek lesen bkn instructor je penyabar,
jpj tu pon penyabar.
seb bayek btoi.
wunny: syukur...:)
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